BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS) is a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). BCMHSUS Research Institute Community Partners include all individuals (who are not BCMHSUS Investigators, Affiliates or Trainees) who are connected to research or who have an interest in and/or potential desire for involvement with BCMHSUS Research.

Eligibility criteria: this membership category is inclusive of individuals who are involved in research (e.g., visiting researchers, lab managers, technicians, and research assistants) or those who may not be involved in research, but are interested in becoming more involved (e.g., clinicians, administrators, volunteers, persons with lived experience of mental health issues and/or substance use and their families, etc.), and/or just interested in the research we are involved in.

Membership expectations: all community partners have a continued interest in mental health and substance use research and being informed of opportunities for engagement.

Benefits of membership: community partners are eligible to receive BCMHSUS Research newsletters, attend BCMHSUS organized research activities/events, and be informed of opportunities to get involved in research and knowledge exchange projects.

How to become a community partner member: complete the sections of this application as applicable to you in this community partner application. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed and approved. Membership is granted and privileges or memberships may be revoked at the sole discretion of PHSA. Membership does not confer privileges to participate in BCMHSUS research initiatives, which is the subject of a separate approval process.

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