Dear colleague,

We are writing to invite you to complete a short survey regarding the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency.

The gold standard for diagnosing adrenal insufficiency in the pediatric population is the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test. However, there remains controversy surrounding the ACTH stimulation test protocol and the interpretation of the test results. The aim of our survey is to collect information about the ACTH stimulation test protocols in other centers, in order to understand how different providers diagnose adrenal insufficiency in children using the ACTH stimulation test.

This electronic survey is brief and should take no more than 5-10 minutes. We plan to distribute our findings to the Pediatric Endocrine Society membership as well as submit our findings for publication, which may improve the standardization of ACTH stimulation test protocols. When results are reported, presented, or published, the project team will remove any information that could identify you or anyone else. The team may use a quote from your comments, if provided. This survey has two parts:

1. Basic information about your practice;

2. Details pertaining to the ACTH stimulation test protocols and interpretation used in your practice

Please consider participating if you are a provider (e.g. endocrinologist, endocrine fellow, nurse practitioner etc.) that orders and interprets ACTH stimulation tests.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and contribution to this work. Please contact us via email if you have any questions or concerns.

Trisha Patel, MD, FRCPC

Carolina Silva, MD

Carol Lam, MD, FRCPC

Email for correspondence:

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